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Corporate Museums and Corporate Digital Archives

Museology, curatorship, creative direction and corporate digital archives

The Corporate Museums they stage the history, the identity, the values and the company current affairs. Over the course of approximately forty years of development of the concept and function of corporate museums, they have become event places very effective in the media; functional tools for corporate communication, for marketing, and for internal communication. They have become destinations for new ones experiential tourism.

The sudden transformation of communication today goes in the direction of storytelling he was born in brand content marketing. Opinion leaders, business partners and consumers love to know and also buy the piece of history behind the company. In this context the value of the company museum acquires a new meaning. The Museum becomes place of representation from the memory and at the same time of production of new content, showcase of the Brand Heritage.


The Corporate Digital Archives are a fundamental tool for the valorization of tangible and intangible corporate assets. A heritage that looks not only to the past but above all to the future.

What are Digital Archives?

Digital archives are one collection toolstorytelling and sharing which can be exploited for strategic and cultural innovation of businesses, institutions and companies. They combine all the digital heritage and the digitized analogue heritage within a single platform.

Why Digital Corporate Archives? What are they for?

Creating Digital Corporate Archives are useful for reorder and systematize in a functional way corporate heritage. If supported by correct design, they are an important resource for defining theCorporate Culture, and become strategic tools for marketing and the communication: of the facilitators, as they help in the search and creation of new content and make the management of digital assets more fluid.

Case History: Museo Zambon

A living Museum

Direction of Zambon Museum from 2009 to 2016. The Zambon Museum is the dialogue and meeting place between business and culture and an authentic source because it communicates and commemorates its history. A unique adventure built on passions and values and born from the sweating and the initiatives of generations of men and women who contributed in the past – and still continuing today – to weave the wrap of the business community. 

The Zambon Museum, thanks to the updating of the founder's intuitions, presents the story of a family strongly integrated within the company, which still speaks to us through objects, writings, relationships, thoughts, indicating the ethical horizon that goes beyond the same borders as Zambon, so that the past can serve as a warning and guide for the future.

Corporate Museum References

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